Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Catch the Blogging Wave

Here we go...

It's time for Lindsay and I to join the blogging nation...I will use this blog to post pictures of the family, ask stupid questions and just babble on and on. Please respond accordingly. I will start with a stupid question.

Do you ever call someone with no intention of leaving a voicemail, but still let the phone ring 5 times... listen to the entire voice message only to hang up one second after the beep? I often receive the "hangup voicemail" drives me crazy, but I am guilty myself. If you take the time to place the call, I would like to take the time to return the call, if I knew who you were. My imagination runs wild. I replay the message and analyze the minor details...was there any background noise? was it a mobile call? Did the caller breath heavy? This in turn causes me to place many pointless phone calls to family and close friends, desperately searching for that one individual. 90% of those calls go to voicemail, and yes, I mindlessly listen to the message and hang up one second after the beep. At times this has consumed hours of my time, but I enjoy the hunt.

I hope you enjoy our new family blog page.